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Getting Started with the Payments Plugin

This page describes setting up the plugin and is a prerequisite for other tutorials.

Before beginning make sure you have set up Stripe.


This plugin allows users to buy products directly from your WordPress site and pay for them using Stripe as the payment gateway. The plugin provides a full shopping experience optimized for conversions, using the branding of your site.


  • WordPress 5.6 or later and PHP 7.4 or later.
  • Administrator account on the WordPress server.
  • Email delivery correctly setup on the server.

Persistent object caching is highly recommended for production instances as it significantly improves
performance, but isn’t required.


Upload and activate the plugin in WordPress as you normally would.


In the WordPress dashboard click on ‘Payments’ -> ‘Settings’.

Enter your Stripe publishable key and Stripe secret key. You should start with the test keys first which
begin with sk_test_ and pk_test_ respectively. Click ‘Save’.

At this point, you’re ready to set up a product to sell.

Next up: Tutorial: Selling a single product