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Settings control the overall plugin function.


The Stripe settings connect this plugin to your Stripe account. Note that these settings are saved *only* on this server.

Publishable Key

The Stripe Publishable Key is required – along with the Secret key – to use any of the Stripe functionality. The key is found in your Stripe dashboard. Depending upon whether you are using live or test mode, the key will begin with pk_live_ or pk_test_ respectively.

This key is used by the front end and doesn’t need to be kept confidential.

Secret Key

The Stripe Secret Key is required – along with the Publishable key – to use the Stripe functionality. This key is found in your Stripe dashboard. Depending upon whether you are using live or test mode, the key will begin with sk_live_ or sk_test_ respectively.

This key must be kept confidential.

Appearance API

This setting controls the appearance of the Stripe elements. Use this option to match the elements to your site theme. See the Stripe Appearance API documentation for more information.

Webhook secret for email

This plugin can act as an endpoint for a Stripe webhook and will send an email to the site owner with the details.

This notification is particularly useful for new sites/SaaS offerings in that resources can be provisioned manually for new customers before the automated functionality is ready.

See the Stripe documentation to create the webhook and then copy/paste the secret into this field.

The value should begin with whsec_.


These settings control how the checkout process works.

Redirect to checkout?

By default, when a user clicks the ‘Add to Cart’ button, a modal is shown with the contents of the cart and giving them the option to continue shopping or to continue to the checkout page.

If this option is selected, then the modal is not shown and instead the user is immediately redirected to the checkout page.

This option is useful for a site – such as a SaaS – that essentially only sells only one item or subscription.


The general section contains miscellaneous plugin settings.


The passwords settings specify the minimum password length and complexity required for new user passwords. Current NIST guidelines suggest evaluating passwords by complexity instead of requiring a specific structure – like at least one number, uppercase letter or special character.

The password complexity is powered by zxcvbn from Dropbox.


The secret used for generating tokens, like passwords. You may update this if your security requirements mandate rotation of salts on a periodic basis.

Log Level

The minimum level of message that will be logged. See the Status settings page for additional information.